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13 June 2023 09:00

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Meeting ID: 885 9687 4216 Passcode: matomo

We're happy to announce an upcoming seminar that marks a significant milestone in our product development journey!

We can't wait to share our exciting advancements with you!

Our integration of Apache Superset with Matomo and Clickhouse will change how data analytics with Matomo works, making it faster, more efficient, and more enjoyable than ever before.

Starting September 2023, Superset will be available as an add-on for our Matomo Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) offering.

In this seminar, we'll guide you through the innovation we've built, explaining why this solution offers numerous advantages over simply exporting data from the Matomo API.

Here's a sneak peek of what you'll gain from this free seminar:

  1. Discover how we've enhanced the data beyond what Matomo provides.
  2. Learn about Custom Metrics and Calculated Fields and how to leverage them effectively.
  3. Get a live demonstration of our Matomo chart templates in Superset.
  4. Experience firsthand our Matomo dashboard templates in Superset.

But first, what is Apache Superset?

Apache Superset is a robust open-source software application designed for data exploration and visualization on a petabyte scale. Initially conceived as a hackathon project by Maxime Beauchemin during his tenure at Airbnb, it entered the Apache Incubator program in 2017. Today, Superset is utilized by industry giants like Microsoft, Tesla, and Apple, and it boasts a vibrant and supportive community.

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Tomas Persson
Matomo specialist and analyst with more that 20 years of professional experience with web development

Matomo specialist and analyst with more that 20 years of professional experience with web development

Digitalist is a digital agency and provider of Open SaaS solutions, committed to using open-source technologies and open data. We prioritize GDPR compliance, privacy, and data sovereignty, while constantly striving to improve our practices in data and cybersecurity.We support the principle that developments funded by taxpayers should be accessible for the wider benefit of society, promoting their reuse through open source. With a history of over 18 years of contributions to the open-source communities, we continue to learn, grow, and affirm our dedication in this field.


Matts Hildén

Creative Director. Improving business by design.